Thursday, February 17, 2011

Money is Prison

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The advertising madness that goes on is literally making me sick.
I don't think I will ever come back to the US.

some people are very nice, but so clouded and distracted from everything going on around them, that they don't know whats up. This is the 'Norm'.

Everywhere I walk, there is a new smell. Exhaust, fast-food, perfume, more exhaust.
Today, I walked to the grocery store, and to the beach.. I didn't see a single soul walking, everybody is driving in their Brand new vehicles.. I don't even see older vehicles around. Where did they all go?

This place makes me loose faith in humanity. how has it gotten this far?

Yesterday I was sitting outside the airport waiting to be picked up... I guess I looked sad, cause this guy walks up to meand says "smile, you're in south florida!"... Is this really supposed to make people happy? The fast food, Fancy cars, 3 banks on one block, strips and strips of stores selling useless things, furniture stores selling only plastic furniture made to look 'modern', advertising for gaming consoles and Donkey Kong on Fruit?

It amazes me that this world generally strives to have the lifestyle of an America Citizen. (I haven't been to any other places in the States in recent years so I am going off of the Florida area, fort lauderdale in particular) What is so glamourous? Why do we want this wasteful society?

This society is formed to make money imprison us, yet it empowers most people. We are fined with money if we do something 'they' don't agree with, and we have to work to make money in order to feed and house ourselves. If we try to live off the waste created by this society and get around paying so much money, they will get us by making us pay even more. If we can't pay the fine, there is possibility of containment. The dumpsters here say "minimum 500$ fine.

Everywhere I go here, people stare at me. Some have uttered comments unknown... Do I look that different?
I feel like an Alien...

I don't remember the last time i was 'hollered' at from a vehicle by greasy men. Today, 5 vehicles honked and hollered. I was walking for hour in total.

So thank you Haligonians.. for being the eclectic bunch that I love... I can't even imagine the appreciation i will have for you once I return.

and Thank you Kiltravens for being my family. I love you so.